1月中旬〜3月中旬 【2023年中止】
From the middle of January to the middle of March【END for 2023】
Enjoy walking on deep snow with snowshoes! Brown bear's claw marks, huge ancient trees and winter forest are waiting for you.
We also offer you a special program including bathing ticket and Indian curry.

- 開催期間
Open - 1月中旬〜3月中旬 (積雪状況により開催できる期間は変わります。)
From the middle of January to the middle of March. (It depends on the season.)
- 所要時間
Required Time - スノーシュー体験は約60分+準備と移動時間約30分
スタート 11:00〜
Snowshoe walking 60 minutes + Preparation and travelling 30 minutes
Start at 11:00 AM everyday
- 参加条件
Required condition - 2名様以上、小学生以上でお申し込み下さい。
At least two people are required. Anyone older than elementary-school students.
Group use can about 10 people.
- 参加料金
Fee - 4,000円/大人
3,500円/子供 ※団体利用は10名前後まで対応可能
4,000 yen adult
3,500 yen children
Group use can about 10 people.
- 当日必要な物
What you need - 服装・靴に関して
・温泉入浴時のタオル (有料レンタルもあり)
・Clothes and Shoes
Please wear a down coat or ski wear to keep yourself warm enough while walking.
Please wear or bring winter boots or trekking boots.
・Other items
Please bring a towel and bath towel for bathing (rental is available)
Hair dryer is available at the onsen facilities.
- 料金に
Included in the fee - ガイド料金、スノーシューとストックのレンタル料 (自然の村より)、特製カレーセットのお食事代、温泉入浴料
Safety and instructional guidance, Instruments (snowshoes and poles), Curry, and a Bathing Ticket.
- 料金に
Not included in the fee - 特製カレーセット以外の飲食料金
自分のタオルを持参しない場合:タオル代220円 (販売)、バスタオル代520円 (レンタル:返却時に300円を返金)
Food and drinks except the curry set.
(If necessary:) Towel: 220 yen, Bath Towel: 520 yen, Bath Towel is only for rental. Please return it after use and 300 yen is refunded.