源泉かけ流しhot spring source
100% pure poured natural hot springs
HoheikyoOnsen is very proud of its pristine and supreme hot springs quality. Our 100% pure natural hot springs is directly poured into baths. There are only very small number of onsen facilities able to use 100% pure natural hot springs in Japan.
Hoheikyo Onsen is the only one onsen facility which uses no storage tank to temporarily keep hot water. We directly supply hot springs from the ground to baths without bringing water into contact with air.Bringing hot springs from the ground directly, the water cannot be oxidized. Also, we keep it very fresh and clean by consistently pouring new hot springs so that the water needs no sterilization by chlorine, which changes the quality of hot springs. You can always enjoy pristine and supreme hot springs.
100% pure poured natural hot springs real
Calcareous Sinter源泉に含まれる炭酸カルシウムや鉄分などが結晶化し、床などに、形成されます。
Calcareous Sinter forms around richminerals such as calcium carbonate and iron. -
Through photosynthesis, some organic compounds in the source of hot springs change their forms to Cyanobacteria. They are very valuable and known as blue-green bacteria which produces oxygen.
美肌の湯for beautiful skin
Velvety Feeling of Hot Springs
Hot springs help to smoothen your skin.Please enjoy a velvety feeling of hot springs and relax.
Spring quality is pH-neutral and help to smoothen your skin. Some people call our hot springs "Velvety Hot Springs." Once you experience it, you might not forget it forever.

日本最大級の露天風呂outdoor bath
Panoramic View of Nature from Open-air Baths Location
Open-air baths with a panoramic view of nature. No dilution with water, no heating, and no circulation. Abundant and continuous hot spring flow promises you 100% pure natural hot springs quality. Illumination of open air baths gives you another experience.
Muine no yu -
Fukuro no yu -
Yuyu no yu
無意根の湯:ご利用日|奇数日:男性 / 偶数日:女性
ふくろうの湯、遊湯の湯:ご利用日|奇数日:女性 / 偶数日:男性
Muine no yu:Days available for Use|Odd days:Men / Even days:Women
Fukuro no yu & Yuyu no yu:Days available for Use|Odd days:Women / Even days:Men
- 営業期間
Opening Hour - 10:00~22:30 (最終受付21:45) ※年中無休
10:00 AM to 22:30 PM (The final acceptance 21:45 PM) ※Open 7 days a week
- 浴場施設
Hot Springs Facilities - 男女別内風呂 (ボディソープ・リンスインシャンプー完備)
[Indoor Hot Springs Baths] NOT mixed bathing. Soap and shampoo are available. - 男女別露天風呂 (日替り入替制)※温泉は偶数日奇数日で男女入れ替えとなります。[Open-air Baths] NOT mixed bathing. Baths for gentlemen and ladies change every day.
- 入泉料金
Price List - 大人 (中学生以上)1,300円
Adult (junior high school students or older): 1,300 yen (tax included) - 子供 (3才~小学生)600円
幼児 (0才~2才)無料
Child (3 years old to elemental school students): 600 yen (tax included) Infant ( 0 year old to two years old): Free
- 手ぶらセット
Towel & Bath Towel - タオル (ロゴ入り)220円
Towel with printed logo: 220 yen (tax included) - バスタオル (販売)500円Bath Towel: 500 yen (tax included)
- 休憩室
Lounge - 大広間無料開放(ご利用には入泉料が必要になります)
Open lounge is available for free.
There is not onsen,just room only. - 有料個室は3時間で3,800円※お電話でのみご予約受付しております。
※延長料金は1時間1,000円となります。Private lounge is available, 3,800 yen for 3 hours (tax included). ※We do not take reservations.
※Extension fee will be 1,000 yen per hour.
※Include Tax
※Credit card is not available.